Thintech Recipes

Pepper Jam Recipe

Pepper Jam

  • 1 tbsp serving per person
    *This recipe serves approximately 18 
  • 1 medium red bell pepper
  • Roasted until skin is black (see preferred method below)
  • 3 chipotle chile peppers, coarsely chopped
  • 1 inch slice ginger, peeled, cut into pieces
  • ½ medium carrot, coarsely chopped
  • 1 tsp Olive oil
  • 1 tsp finely chopped lemon peel
  • 4 medium dried figs, cut in half, insides removed, (discard skin)
  • 1 pinch pink sea salt


  1. Place roasted bell pepper in plastic bag; close.
  2. Let sit for 10 minutes until cool
  3. Run bell pepper under water to remove all the skin.
  4. Cut in half.
  5. Remove and discard stem & seeds.
  6. Chop Bell pepper
  7. Place bell pepper, chipotle Chile peppers, ginger, carrot, oil, lemon peel, figs and salt in food processor (or blender); cover, blend until smooth.

*Wash peppers place flat on parchment lined baking sheet. Bake at 425 until blackened on top. Flip over repeat on the other side.  This method is simple and requires no seasoning, cutting or prep.


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